Category: Spectacole

With a wicked stepmother and two jealous stepsisters who keep her as a slave in rags, Cinderella seems to stand no chance to attend the Royal Ball. But with the help of her fairy godmother, Cinderella goes to the ball wearing magic clothes that turn back into her poor clothes at midnight, except for her magic glass shoes. She loses one shoe at the ball as she is running home. Will the prince manage to find the girl by her shoe?


Cinderella - Consuela Egyed
The prince - Alexandru Pop
The stepmother - Andrei Fazecaş
The Emperor - Florin Stan
The Emperess - Zentania Lupşe
The Fairy - Zentania Lupşe
Girl 1 - Zentania Lupşe
Girl 2 - Armanca Serac
Bufonul - Igor Lungu
A little mouse - Rin Tripa / Florian Silaghi
A little mouse girl - Armanca Serac
Povestitor, Crainic - Florian Silaghi / Rin Tripa
The horse - Igor Lungu, Alexandru Pop  

Direction and script: Adela Moldovan
Direction Assistant: Florian Silaghi
Scenography: Eustaţiu Gregorian
Costumes: Oana Cernea
Music: Ladislau Luptovits

Premiered: 09 April 2017

Preferred audience: 3+

Duration: 50 min.