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adaptation after "Husband for Sale" by Mikhail Zadornov

If you take a husband (Sorin Ionescu) and a wife (Cernea Corina), slightly blasé and comfortable in their relationship, and add the surprise ingredient: a naive young woman in love (Denisa Vlad/Georgia Căprărin)... with the HUSBAND, then it mixes well, adds a little cheese and put it in the oven.
Out will come an explosive concoction that will leave you breathless.... from laughter, of course.

The guaranteed recipe for a good mood!


Andrei: Sorin Ionescu
Elena: Corina Cernea
Roxana: Denisa Irina Vlad/Georgia Căprărin

Adaptation and stage direction: Denisa Irina Vlad

Duration: 1h
Show not recommended for people under 14 years old!

Trupa Iosif Vulcan:

Trupa Arcadia:
